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France Deaf Directory

AKSEN Hatice / akiceta(at)
ANGELI Patrick / patixx6(at)
BA Djn / Diomansy0383(at)
BADY Phil / philbady(at)
BANGOURA Patrick / senegalais19(at)
BELGOMRI Abel / abel170(at)
BJ�RNEK Sabrina-Elsa / sebjarnek(at)
BOURZAT Virginie / virginix(at)
BOUTAREL Fabien / fabjudo_5(at)
BUI Alain / buimagic(at)
BUVUAK Robert / sexboyfrend(at)
CAMIER Nadia / nadiacamier(at)
CHAHINE Ali / alichahine500(at)
CHAIEB Hassen / h2c(at)
COLLIER Claude / clo68(at)
COMPANYS Monnica / companys(at)
CORDEROY du TIERS Fanny-Henri / fanny.corderoy(at)
CORNUDET Matthieu / matthieucornudet(at)
COSTON Michel / mikerugby38(at)
DARBON Laurent / dimeco13(at)
DELAHAVE St�phane / sagvd(at)
DINDAULT Isabelle / marsupilami8(at)
DIOP Mamour / matydio(at)
FALL Alioune / badara83(at)
FIEVRE Francois / francois.fievre(at)
FONTANIER Patrick / pattylune(at)
GUILLOT Christelle / chrisprad(at)
GUILLOUX Tatiana / tatycrazy14(at)
JEAN-PHILIPPE Robert / jeeparis(at)
KOUASSI Fabrice / flk34(at)
LALAURETTE Andre / lalaurette(at)
LASSARD David / davenom85(at)
LEDOUCE Laurent / noufnouf33(at)
LeGall Christope / chryst(at)
LEPEL Nicaise / nicaiselepel(at)
LEVY Gila / levygila(at)
LEVY Jon / jlevy(at)
LUISSINT Abel / abel971(at)
LUNEL Eve / lunel.eve(at)
MARCEAU Pascal / pascal.euro(at)
MARCO Melinda / melindamarco35(at)
MATHEWS Anturah / msmariesolangek(at)
MAZ Yzo / yzoman_93(at)
M�LLER V. Carlos / actor_carlito(at)
NATHY Snoopy / cocacolavw(at)
NAVAS Isabella / carnas66(at)
NDIAYE Aminata / aminata1977(at)
NOUARD/LEONACHE Marie Neige / mneigegrace(at)
NYUMAH Fallah / Fallahny(at)
OCEANE Nataly / nathy13(at)
OLIVIER Robin / olifady(at)
�NAL Aydin / onal28(at)
OYETOLA Wale / tayooyetola(at)YAHOO.COM
PATRICOLA Rudy / i_icar(at)
PERAUDEAU Sophie / sophyperaudeau(at)
PERRIN Jeremy / snowdeaf23(at)
PETIT Frederic / fredeaf(at)
PHILIPPE Berthe / berthe(at)
PICARD Pari / contact(at)
POULAIN Christophe / sourds(at)
PRADRE Nicolas / ninibis(at)
REBILLARD Katia / reine_des_damnes(at)
REICHENBACH Julie / reichenbach52(at)
RODRIGUES Joaquim / joaq13(at)
RUYANT Charles / c_ruyant(at)
SENCEE Tony / tonysf971(at)
SLOUS Nicolas / nicool42(at)
SNOW Yoyo / fyboardek(at)
SAINT-RAYMOND Delfi / delfilibre(at)
TARALLO Regis / regis6464(at)
TEBOUL Fr�d�ric / fredericteb32(at)
VALLEE Julien / julien.vallee(at)
VATEL Myra / myra44_7(at)
WONG Chou / chouwong4(at)

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